
12 June, 2024

Talk with Martin Diehl

AddMorePower – Interview – Martin Diehl (KU Leuven) from Technikon on Vimeo. Martin Diehl  from KU Leuven is talking about his role in the AddMorePower project, his technical background as well as the most exciting aspects in the project from...
27 May, 2024

Talk with Cedric Corley-Wiciak

In this exclusive interview, Cedric Corley-Wiciak shares insights into the project’s unique aspects, his role in the project and dynamic team collaboration. Explore the engaging stakeholder approach that spans consortium partners, aspiring scientists, and future end-users—a true collaborative effort aimed...
15 May, 2024

Talk with Olivia Pfeiler

AddMorePower – Interview – Olivia Pfeiler (KAI) from Technikon on Vimeo. In this video you can get to know the work package 2 lead of the AddMorePower project – Olivia Pfeiler. She shares interesting insights about her work at KAI...
21 March, 2024

MAM conference in Milan

Our project coordinator André Clausner has been invited for a talk at MAM2024 conference in Milan that took place between 18th and 21st of March 2024. The topic was advanced characterization and modelling for degradation processes in copper BEoL stacks...
21 February, 2024

Technical and review meeting in Belgium

Last week, the Addmorepower team had been in Leuven (Belgium) for a 2 day technical meeting and afterwards in Brussels for the review meeting. In Leuven Martin Diehl has made an incredible effort to show us around the campus and...
1 February, 2024

Newsletter Issue 02

The second AddMorePower newsletter is now available for download. In this edition, we present the project status after one year, events that have happened as well as the upcoming ones.
20 December, 2023

Inside the AddMorePower project with Antoine

In this interview, we had the opportunity to get a closer look at the amazing work performed by Antoine and his team at LEM3. Antoine Guitton is a tenured associate professor at the Université de Lorraine in Metz, France. For...
19 October, 2023

AddMorePower explainer video

To better understand the vision of our AddMorePower project, we created a short explanatory video. What is our aim for the next year, what will a close collaboration of ten European partners bring and where do we see the future...
31 August, 2023

Antoine Guitton interviewed by Franch Blue radio station

Antoine Guitton (CNRS – LEM3) was interviewed by the French radio station France Bleu, due to the pre-release of his book: “”La Science en 4 Saisons; Hiver” (EDP Science, 2023). The interview took place on 27th August 2023 in Metz,...
11 August, 2023

A warm welcome from Peter Imrich (KAI)

Peter Imrich is a group lead of Material Science and Simulation at KAI. As KAI is present in every WP of the project, Peter provided a wide view of the project. Find out what Peter looks forward to the most...
18 July, 2023

André Clausner at a technical meeting in Villach

We are delighted to share with you the interview with the coordinator of the AddMorePower project, Andre Clausner. In this interview, Andre shares the first insights on the project status, his contribution to standardization and his involvement in lab-based-X-ray microscopy....
18 July, 2023

6-month progress meeting

In the past months, the AddMorePower project made some steps forward with the research and development of modelling and characterization for the power semiconductor materials. The project needs very close interaction between the WPs and the addressed characterization, modelling, and...
27 April, 2023

EMMC 2023 conference

We are proud to share that AddMorePower was a part of the 4th EMMC ASBL – European Materials Modelling Council workshop in Vienna. Olivia Pfeiler was representing our project as one of the new Horizon Europe projects on “Advanced materials...
31 March, 2023

Presenting at the MTEX Workshop 2023

Manuel Petersmann gave an invited keynote talk on KAI and IFAT electron back-scatter diffraction (EBSD) activities, with the title “Use cases of MTEX for semiconductor metalizations” at the MTEX Workshop, that took place on 15th March 2023. The presentation included...
10 March, 2023

15 Seconds Introduction to AddMorePower

To give a short impression of the AddMorePower project, we created a short 15 seconds introduction video.
2 February, 2023

AddMorePower kicked off

The EU funded Horizon Europe project AddMorePower launched with the kick-off meeting on 30th-31st January 2023 in Dresden, Germany. Project partners gathered to plan, organize and designate duties for the next 48 months. The upcoming work and tasks in the...